Other local products
In Angera there are many local, fresh, seasonal products that are very reasonably priced due to their KmZero status which reduces the costs of transport and distribution and eliminates commercial intermediaries; the seller often also being the farmer or breeder. KmZero foods also offer greater guarantees of freshness and authenticity due to the near absence of transport and transit.
This form of consumption helps to enhance local production, renews links with agricultural origins and the cycles of nature, while promoting local tastes and traditions.
Throughout the territory you can find a varied range of products for all tastes: from meat to salami and sausages, from cheese to honey, from artisan ice cream to a great variety of fruit. Below we list some of the farms of Angera but you can discover a greater number in the area by consulting the portal of www.agenda21laghi.it.
Azienda Agricola Il Vecchio Castagno
Via Varesina, 87 Angera (VA)
Tel. 0331.975131
Produce: carne, formaggi, gelato, miele, piccoli frutti, salumi e insaccati
Azienda Agricola Erik Battisti
Via Paludi, 6 Angera (VA)
Tel. 0331.961600 – 338.4863323
Produce: frutta e verdura, mirtilli, more e ribes
Azienda Agricola La Mottava
Via Mottava, 9 Angera (VA)
Tel. 0331.957052
Produce: mirtilli